Wednesday Night Dinner
This week Pastor Randy Duckett continues a series of studies in the book of Jeremiah.
This week Pastor Randy Duckett continues a series of studies in the book of Jeremiah.
Session 3: The Sign of His Authority ( John 5:1-11,17-20 )
Study for this week to be determined. Check here for updates coming soon.
Session 4: The Sign of His Provision ( John 6:1-15 )
Study for this week to be determined. Check here for updates coming soon.
Session 5: The Sign of His Presence ( John 6:16-21 )
Study for this week to be determined. Check here for updates coming soon.
Session 6: The Sign of His Light ( John 9:1-11,30-33 )
Study for this week to be determined. Check here for updates coming soon.
Session 7: The Sign of His Power over Death ( John 11:25-27,38-44 )
Study for this week to be determined. Check here for updates coming soon.
Session 8: The Ultimate Sign ( John 20:1-2,11-18 )
Study for this week to be determined. Check here for updates coming soon.
Session 1: God’s Hand in Calling Us to Serve ( 1 Kings 19:19-21; 2 Kings 2:7-15 )
Study for this week to be determined. Check here for updates coming soon.
Session 2: God’s Hand in Meeting Our Needs ( 2 Kings 4:1-7 )
Study for this week to be determined. Check here for updates coming soon.
Session 3: God’s Hand in Meeting Others’ Needs ( 2 Kings 4:8-17,32-37 )
Study for this week to be determined. Check here for updates coming soon.
Session 4: God’s Hand in Restoring Lives ( 2 Kings 5:1-3,10-19a )
Study for this week to be determined. Check here for updates coming soon.
Session 5: God’s Hand in Facing Opposition ( 2 Kings 6:8-12,15-24 )
Study for this week to be determined. Check here for updates coming soon.
Session 2: The Sign of His Grace ( John 4:46-54 ) (Starts 9:30AM)
This week Pastor Randy Duckett continues a series of studies in the book of Jeremiah.
Session 1: The Sign of His Glory ( John 2:1-11 )
Local Pastor available to pray a blessing over your vehicle, your family, and your journeys.
Session 6: The Gathering for Worship
Session 5: The Lifestyle of Worship
Session 4: The Benefits of Worship
Session 3: The Attitude in Worship
Session 2: The Inspiration for Worship
Special Focus: Treasuring Who God Treasures
Session 1: The Focus of Our Worship
Session 6: Looking Forward with Expectation
Session 5: Looking Forward in Worship
Join us for a special Christmas Eve worship service.
Session 4: Looking Forward to Love
Join us for a special Christmas Potluck and Party!
Session 3: Looking Forward to Joy
After the meal this week, Chris and Karie Chatham will be joining us via ZOOM!
Session 2: Looking Forward to Peace
Session 1: Looking Forward with Hope
Special Focus: The God Who Rescues
Session 6: Joseph and His Brothers: Family Reconciliation
Session 5: Joseph and His Brothers: Family Jealousy
Come for an Encouraging Word from guest Dr. Gary Dyer and Inspirational Music with Warren and Susan Pearson followed good food and fellowship. It's going to be a Great Day!
Session 4: Jacob and Esau: Family Rivalry
After the meal this week, Pastor Randy Duckett continues a series based on J.D. Greear’s book “Above All: The Gospel is the Source of the Church’s Renewal”
Session 3: Isaac and Rebekah: Family Favorites
After the meal this week, Pastor Randy Duckett continues a series based on J.D. Greear’s book “Above All: The Gospel is the Source of the Church’s Renewal”
Session 2: Abram and Lot: Family Rights
After the meal this week, Pastor Randy Duckett continues a series based on J.D. Greear’s book “Above All: The Gospel is the Source of the Church’s Renewal”